Unique Titles Not Entirely Unique

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Unique Titles Not Entirely Unique

Post by irh1 » Mon Jan 12, 2015 7:18 pm


Imagine I have a set up a schedule to record a TV series. It is set up with the 'Record Episodes Once' box ticked, and it duly records each title one, skipping any repeats.

If I then set up a second schedule, and tick the same box, it will attempt to record the same set of programs. If however I tick the 'Unique Titles' box then it only sets to record the 1st one. Surely it should not record any of them?

Similarly, if I have recorded a film as a one off (so the schedule is now discarded), I would expect to be able to create a new schedule searching for similarly named (i.e. sequels) films but by ticking the 'Unique Titles' box I would avoid recording a duplicate.

However it seems that the schedule always wants one thing to record, which means you can't just set up opportunistic schedules.

Is this a bug? or a desired feature I just don't comprehend?

(using Argus 2.3RC)

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