Backing Up

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If you want to Backup your ARGUS TV Backend Channel Lineups, Schedules, Recordings and so on.

Depending on which Recorder backend/s you are using, you have to backup different databases.

It does not appear to be possible to backup and restore the ARGUS TV Recorder database without also backing up and restoring the Channel, Groups, Schedules & Recordings SQL files too.

ICN WARN.PNG Important:
Backing up databases is a handy way of ensuring changes you make for testing can be undone. However, there is no guarantee that backed up databases will be compatible with other versions of ARGUS TV.

ARGUS TV Recorder

The ARGUS TV Recorder Database file can you found here

  • C:\ProgramData\ARGUS TV\ARGUSTV.Recorder.sdf can be copying

Channel, Groups, Schedules, Recordings

Microsoft SQL-Server

for Backup Channel Lineups, Schedules, Recordings must you backup the Database for MSSqlExpess has Microsoft provide an ICN WEB INLINE.PNG Example how it works

the paths for Database files can you found there if you use MsSql Express

  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\ARGUSTV.mdf
  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\ARGUSTV_log.LDF

MySQL 5+

please have a look here, to dump your MySQL-Database: ICN WEB INLINE.PNG

Migrating between Microsoft SQL-Server and MySQL 5+

It appears to not be possible to migrate all data from one SQL solution to the other. However it is at least possible to export schedules from ARGUS TV Scheduler Console, which can then be re-imported after re installation.

