Batch Processor

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This is a tool set to perform various tasks on the ArgusTV database(s). Some users have experienced problems passing variables where batch files have been called from the Processing Command. Users are encouraged to test their batch files in isolation and to debug them prior to calling them from the Processing Command. In addition if it is found that variables are not passed correctly to a batch file that has been proven to work correctly in isolation, then it is advised that ArgusTV Scheduler be set to run with a user with administrator rights rather than the default system account.


List of Commands

Please find a list of commands, description of the parameters/arguments and examples below.

Command Parameters/Arguments Example Description / Remarks
The ARGUS TV recorded file name to process, this must be passed in UNC format.
ArgusYV.Batch.ProcessCommand.exe MyVideo\\htpc\recordings\Tom and Jerry 20010-02-24 1200.ts
This command creates a XML file which is compatible with MediaPortal "My videos", so the description of the recording will show up in MediaPortal.

The example will create a file called "Tom and Jerry 20010-02-24 1200.xml" in the same folder as the recording with the info of the recording in MediaPortal XML format.

All arguments are written to the ARGUS TV log.
ArgusTV.Batch.ProcessCommand.exe log "This is a test"
This command writes all the parameters to the ARGUS TV log. this can be used in the batch files to log that everything goes smooth in big batch files.

The example will create one entry in the ARGUS TV log with the text "This is a test".

The ARGUS TV file to process, this must be passed in UNC format.
ArgusTV.Batch.ProcessCommand.exe IsPartial "\\htpc\recordings\Tom and Jerry 20010-02-24 1200.ts"
This command can check if a recording is a partial recording. This will set ERRORLEVEL to 0 if the recording is full and to -1 if the recording is only a partial one.

The example will exit with an ERRORLEVEL of 0 as this recording is full (recorded from scheduled start to scheduled end) otherwise with -1.

The ARGUS TV file to process, this must be passed in UNC format. The new file name which the file reference should be changed, too.
ArgusTV.Batch.ProcessCommand.exe rename "\\htpc\recordings\Tom and Jerry 20010-02-24 1200.ts" "\\htpc\recordings\Tom and Jerry.mpg"
Renames the reference to a recording in the ARGUS TV database. The actual file will not be renamed.

The example will change the file reference within ARGUS TV.

The ARGUS TV file to process, this must be passed in UNC format. To delete the actual file: If you pass 1 then the reference AND the file are deleted, if you pass a 0, only the reference is removed.
ArgusTV.Batch.ProcessCommand.exe delete "\\htpc\recordings\Tom and Jerry 20010-02-24 1200.ts" 0
Deletes the reference to a recording in the ARGUS TV database. It can also delete the file.

The example will delete the reference to the recording, but not the actual recorded file.

The ARGUS TV file to process, this must be passed in UNC format.

The extension of the new file. The root name of the file is the same as the recording's. The file with the new extension will be created in the same folder as the recording.
Select the content of the file: You write the whole string of what you want to store in the file here. Certain tags are replaced while processing.
Currently 6 tags exist:

  • {StartTime}
  • {StopTime}
  • {Description}
  • {title}
  • {EpisodeNumber}
  • {SeriesNumber}
ArgusTV.Batch.ProcessCommand.exe description "\\htpc\recordings\Tom and Jerry 20010-02-24 1200.ts" txt {starttime};{stoptime};{description}
Creates a file with information from the ARGUS TV database. The extension of the file must be passed as an argument according to what you want in the file.

The example will create a file with the extension "*.txt" with the start time, stop time and the description of the show, separated by semicolons(";")

List of Releases

  • First release for ARGUS TV

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