TimeShift files not cleaned up after stopping live stream

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TimeShift files not cleaned up after stopping live stream

Post by BartZorn » Mon Mar 27, 2017 1:07 pm


Every now and then, the live stream stops unexpectedly.

I was running with a 4 GB RAM disk, and it appeared that the stop was caused by Argus not being able to create an additional TimeShift file, because there were some left over files from a previous live stream, which no longer exists.

Now I am running with a SSD which has plenty of space, but still the left over files seem to cause problems.
When I manually delete all files and start the stream again, it does not stop.

Should I consider this a bug or a (not so much wanted) feature?


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TimeShift files not cleaned up after stopping live stream

Post by GeraldCew » Wed Mar 27, 2019 5:25 am

This simple.
Wrong is that in that case you have only a single instance of itemList.
And then is still true that itemList = itemList and EG does not detect any change.
Is that clear?


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