Upgrading & Uninstalling

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Upgrading to a new version

Upgrading your ARGUS TV installation is a relatively simple process, and can be done without loosing channels, services, EPG Data or schedules. The process is basically the same for all setup types.

First, download the latest version of ARGUS TV, found ICN FORUM INLINE.PNG here

Next run the installer. It will detect the old installation and run the uninstaller for it, this is normal. If you are upgrading a server or single seat install, you will be asked if you want to do a full uninstall, select no. Selecting yes will remove all your scanned services and you will have to scan and link them again.

When the uninstall is complete, you can continue with the install of the new version as normal.

When complete everything should work as before.

Adding more Disk Space

At some point, you may decide your storage device is too small, or has become full with recordings you want to keep. While there are several ways to overcome this, the easiest is to just add another storage device and begin recording to there instead.

The location of recordings is stored in the database at the time of recording, so recording shows to a new disk will have no detrimental effects. It is in fact possible to have each tuner record and/or timeshift to it’s own dedicated share/s

If you are running out of disk space and want to add an additional disk, follow these steps:
  1. Create a new folder in the location you want to record to. If your original recording folder was called “Recordings”, you may want to name (and share) the folder as something like “Recordings2”, this will make changing the location in ARGUS TV simple.
  2. Share the new folder. Refer to Shared Folders for full instructions. As suggested above, “Recordings2” may be a good share name.
  3. Go to ARGUS TV Recorder Console, under settings, change the record location to the new shared folder. Following the earlier naming suggestions, if your original share location was “\\HTPC\Recordings” your new location will be “\\HTPC\Recordings2”

Recordings will now be recorded to your new location, the old ones will remain on the original disk. ARGUS TV will the able to play recordings from either location.

ICN INFO.PNG Information:
While folders, in diferent locations can have identical names, shared folders on the same machine cannot.


When a ARGUS TV installation is launched, it will automatically detect if any previous version is present on your system. If so, the uninstall will be launched when next is clicked in the welcome dialog of the setup. You can also launch the uninstall of ARGUS TV via control panel / uninstall a program, then select ARGUS TV.

The uninstall of ARGUS TV will not remove the data stored in the database unless you ask it to. So all your recordings, schedules etc will be left untouched, and will be available to the new version once a new version is installed. So you can reinstall ARGUS TV as many times as you like without losing anything stored in the database.

Removing the SQL Database

Removing the SQL database can be done in two ways

  • Use SQL Management Studio (in case of MS SQL), or MySQL Workbench (for MySQL)


  • Use the DROP DATABASE command

SQL Management Studio / MySQL Workbench

As there should be plenty of guides to using these applications available, we will only provide a link. ICN WEB INLINE.PNG Google

MS SQL Drop Database

This is actually far easier than it first appears to a newbie. This assumes you have a default install of MS SQL.
Try these steps. This will delete the ARGUS TV SQL database.

ICN INFO.PNG Please note, the ARGUS TV Recorder database is stored independently and is not removed by this process. You must delete it manually.

Open a command prompt (windows key + R, type cmd), and type the command on each line and press enter. (the commands are shown in bold, do not begin the command with a space).

Start here

C:\Users\Andrew> sqlcmd -S .\sqlexpress -E
1> drop database ArgusTV
2> go
1> exit

ICN INFO.PNG Information:

The command above assumes you have a standard install of MS SQL Express, if not, you may have to alter the first line.
.\sqlexpress is the name of the SQL server running on your machine. You will need to change it to .\<your server name here>
You may be able to find it by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc, clicking the services tab, and scrolling down to the SQL Services. You should find a line that looks a little like this:


MySQL Drop Database

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